Revered photographer and close confidant to the illustrious Prince, Afshin Shahidi has released a new book titled Prince: A Private View. The novel contains exclusive photographs of the late rock star in his home element and on stage.
“The album covers for me … are what I was most proud of,” Shahidi said. “I still, to this day, when I see the album cover, I think, ‘Wow … I took that picture.’ Makes me really happy.”
“For me, each time I was with Prince, I was still, like, ‘Wow, I’m standing here with Prince,'” Shahidi explained to ABC News.Sharing a pic of Prince intensely staring into a TV monitor, judging a televised performance of himself, Shahidi has evidently captured the artist behind the scenes and with that his relentless professionalism.
“He was a perfectionist, and he expected it from everyone around him,” Shahidi added.
Becoming extremely close with the world renowned talent, when the photographers own daughter met success on the small screen and became a child actor, Prince rented out a movie theatre for them to watch her.
Afshin Shahidi ceased work with Prince in 2011 but kept him as a close friend. Prince left an undeniable mark on the life of a man obsessed with capturing his greatness.
“After he passed … they went into Prince’s office and there’s a picture of Yara in his office still,” he said. “And if you go in there, you’ll see a … 8-by-10 picture of Yara, sitting on his desk.”
“It was incredible,” he exclaimed.
Purchase Prince: A Private View and get to see what Prince was like from the eyes of a close friend.