La La Anthony Advises NYC Strippers: “Ride the Wave as Long as You Can!”

La La Anthony weighs in on the current NYC stripper strike.

Strippers are taking a confident stance against racism and skewed wages due to bartenders. Anthony informed Page Six about the strike and admitted that she “knows that scene very well”. She has friends that are strippers who are doing well for themselves.

I have always been taught not to judge. Everyone is trying to make a living and do what is best for them. You do not know what happened in a person’s journey and what led them to that. It could be a lot of things. So I never point the finger at anyone for what they are doing.

The actress is not contributing to this war between the strippers and bartenders because she says she tries to treat both services equally. “I try to be equal to the strippers and bartenders — but my limit is a $1,000.” She added, “the cutoff age, I would say, maybe 40. I will say ride the wave as long as you can!”


La La is currently developing a VH1 series titled Goal Diggers centered on women trying to build businesses and become entrepreneurs.