Crippin: A Right of Passage or a Deathstyle?

Deuces ‘n trayz bangin (that real crip shit),” by 2001 Snoop Dogg had the entire world crip walking. Last month he released a new album titled Make America Crip Again.

Nipsey Hussle is LA’s newest crip MC. New crips join the ranks everyday, even outside of LA.

A Vice News clip, “Inside a Gang Initiation with the Silent Murder Crips” has been circulating around the web. We journey to Marcus Garvey Village, Brownsville (Brooklyn, NY).

Focused on Bristol Street, known locally  as “Pistol Street.” Here we meet JT who hopes to join the SMC.

Following him to a local playground, the highest ranked homie says, “Make a circle! Lets go, get it crackin!” The sanctioned initiation begins. Immediately, JT is rocked by a right hook. Appearing twice his size, Two other SMCs deliver a barrage of punches.

Overwhelmed, he gets no sympathy at all. Nearly beaten out of his boxers. All he can utter is “goddamn.” His eyes bloodied, barely able to stand. Luckily for him, he is now officially an SMC, still no sympathy is given.

“Ace up, nigga hold it. You cry Bloods all day, feel me.” Several SMCs attempt a wellness check before the biggest homie ask, “What the fuck y’all doing? (Ace up) he’s a man, get the fuck outta here.” Then he ask the new soldier.”When you get jumped by a porkhead (Blood) what you gonna do cry like a bitch?” Shrugging off the aid now, he responds, “Im aight Cuz.”

JT explains that he is willing to take the beating, because he wants to be closer to his brothers. We meet a variety of ranked crips. One seasoned crip ponders an insightful question as he reflects.

“What can the government do to stop us, besides lock us up?” Give us things to do, access to other things, other than shipping us up the river. We live what we learn, gang banging is  about protecting what around you.” The police [are] the real gang,” he continues.

We are introduced to  Otis Bruno who grew up crippin’ since age nine. He explains people will identify you by your association and where you’re from.

SMC OG, “Cee-Lo”  explains the origin of SMC. Becoming a sanctioned set in 1997, under the larger Eight Deuce Trey Crips.

We spoke briefly with an official first lady of the crips, known as “Lil Quiet Storm” who turned crip at age 12.Earning her stripes after a three-minute fight with two ranked females. She shared her reaction to the footage and provided some insight to those looking to join. As a mother of a young son, she maintains that crippin’ never stops for her. However, her outlook as changed.

The Source: How did it make you feel watching it?

Lil Quiet Storm: As a real first lady, watching it just made me think back on how real shit was. See it wasn’t like that for everyone but me personally I got squared in by two females so my beating was little similar but i defended myself better. So seeing it gave me memories of my square

The Source: Do you feel any different about crippin’ now that you are a mom?

Lil Quiet Storm: Yes i feel different about crippin’ now, because as a mother and adult I can’t be out there flagging and going as hard as I use too. Thats why I thank God I put my work in while I did to get to the status I’m at. I don’t have to worry about flagging wearing crates (beads) or not wearing red.

The Source: Technically speaking, your is already a next generation crip but would you allow him to actively rep the set?

Lil Quiet Storm:would not want my child to rep no set. Honestly my son is so involved with Church. I love that. Me and his father is enough gang for him. If he do decide he better be grown.

Because I  did it young, my brother did it young. I swear its enough crips in my family and bloods through marriage. If I have 2 have everyone sit down with him it will happen. From there he decides.

The Source: What would you say to aspiring crips?

Lil Quiet Storm: To the ripks on set i would say heart 2heart. Just don’t be out here killing one another. When I joined thats not what it was about. We weren’t beefing amongst each other. We was putting pot in for the homies, writing the homies, making sure families of the homies who were gone (died) was good, we [were] motivating one another.

Most of all we made sure the hood/streets was good. Shit is different I would tell the young ones, think on it, look some stuff up. Its still a lot of Real Crips out here. Just know what you getting into and who your getting into it with.

As men and women face the realities of living the hood, they grow up living what they learn. Earlier this year, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio signed a bill which allow Rikers Island jail to remain open for the next 10 years. Prison is profitable and gang members provide steady bodies to fill up cells.

African-Americans are imprisoned at a higher rate than any other race. We ask you is crippin’ a right of passage, or is it a style of death which continues to feed the prison pipeline?