Tupac’s Murder Weapon Was Found in 1998, Never Turned Over to Vegas Police

The gun used to kill Tupac Shakur was found 19 years ago, but its current location is a mystery.

This bombshell was unearthed by producers of A&E’s Who Killed Tupac? A .40 caliber Glock was discovered in a citizen’s backyard in 1998, which he reported to police, and it was booked as found property on May 30, 1998. In 2000, over 3,000 confiscated firearms were transferred to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, including the Glock. Deputy T. Brennan was the one who discovered that this was the weapon connected to Tupac’s murder.

In 2006, Brennan, who was also working on Notorious B.I.G.’s case, obtained the police document and recognized the address where the gun was found, and it was the girlfriend’s address of a prominent Crip gang member. The gang member was known to have beef with 2Pac.


Unfortunately, the weapon was not immediately sent to Vegas where Pac’s murder is still unsolved. A federal prosecutor assigned to the case was concerned that discovery of the murder weapon will alert potential conspirators, and recommended that the gun does not get turned over to the LVPD.

Tupac’s brother was shocked to find all of this out when he met with the civil rights attorney producing the A&E series, Benjamin Crump. The network says they reached out to the LVPD and some officers are claiming the gun never got to them, meanwhile, others are just plain unsure. If anyone knows the current location of the Glock, they’re keeping it under wraps.

The final episode of Who Killed Tupac? airs Tuesday night. Watch the preview for the episode you missed here.