GOPers are such sore losers. So much to the point where they are starting to doubt the recent Alabama senate elections were legit. A Trump supporter voiced on Twitter hours after Democrat Doug Jones‘ defeat against Roy Moore a crazy theory accusing voters being brought out of state in order to help Jones win the election. He tweeted:
I am hearing rumors that black voters from MS were encouraged to cross over into AL and vote. Anyone else hearing this? Anything to it? That might explain the 30% turnout higher than population percentage. Just reporting the rumor.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) December 13, 2017
Later, screenwriter John Rogers fired back and crushed the wacky accusations and replied:
1/ Okay, you racist hack, apparently I have to do this every time. Like all conspiracy theories, this falls apart as soon as one asks "How?"
— John Rogers (@jonrog1) December 13, 2017
Black Twitter got busy!
Bruh, next time just take that L and keep quiet or you will get decimated.