Zac Efron is receiving some backlash after posting up a picture with his dreadlocks on Instagram with a caption that reads, “Just for fun.” He’s currently being accused of cultural appropriation but his followers were not having it.
One user expressed his disdain with the photo, calling him out for being too privileged and experienced to think the stunt he pulled was the slightest bit okay. “You have been afforded so much privilege and world experience that should also inform you that dreadlocks on white people are cultural appropriation,” the follower commented.
Another emphasized how the hairstyle was not meant for white people, it was meant for a different texture of hair. “This is a hairstyle SPECIFICALLY ENGINEERED for people whose hair naturally tangles and knots easily and NOT for white people who have a movie role coming up or are just doing it ‘for fun.'”
Yikes. Despite the comments, his fans defended him, saying that they don’t see the harm in what he did, “This isn’t cultural appropriation y’all, so please stop screaming that it is.”
Another put their two cents in and said how it was just hair and basically told everyone to chill, “Guys it’s hair lol does it really matter? It’s 2018 and a huge amount of people are wasting their time [arguing] about Zac Efron’s hair.”
Let us hear your thoughts. Peep the pic below: