The official Princess of Hip-Hop, Ming Lee, posted an age appropriate picture of herself on the ‘Gram.
New hair… the teen debuted to the world the freshest “My Little Pony” pastel colors in her tresses and all seemed well with the world as the comments reflected Care Bear cheers and unicorn comments.
Even her dad, Uncle Rush (aka Russell Simmons) chimed in with some fatherly jesting:
Shortly after, her mom added her $2million comment in, letting everyone know that that is her “baby!”
But as quickly as you can say, “Peter Piper Picked Peppers and Run Rock Rhymes,” everything went left when a troll jump in the comments inferring that the young Lee might’ve had lip injections. Well, Ms. Fabulosity blanked out in the classy sassy way that we have all come to love from her.
Let’s be clear… some people you just can’t come for: Ming is one. If you don’t want the Baby Phat knocked out of you then you best watch what you say.