Casanova Turns Himself in on Felony Charges Following Alleged Attack on Woman in NYC

Over the weekend, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Brooklyn rapper, Casanova, for an alleged physical attack that happened the prior week.

As per TMZ, a lady named Niya Rucker recorded a report against the “Set Trippin” rapper, asserting she was assaulted by him and another person at Good Stuff Diner in New York.

Sources say Casanova thought Rucker was recording him while they were both at the restaurant, so he assaulted her trying to stop the account and snatched her cell phone. In any case, Rucker revealed to PIX11 that she was simply recording her meal for Instagram Live.

As indicated by authorities, the occurrence left Rucker with a broken jaw, a loose tooth, and bruises to the face. They say one of the men additionally place her in a sleeper hold during the scuffle.

Consequently, authorities issued a warrant for Casanova’s arrest which led him to turn himself in on Wednesday morning in Manhattan on a lawful offense second-degree burglary allegation. Meanwhile, his lawyer discloses to TMZ that he adamantly denies the case.