Alleged UFO Sighting in North Carolina

A group of people staying at a house on the North Carolina coast filed a report on the UFO website, “MUFON,” saying a ball of light and several white orbs were spotted off the coast.

The report states nine people at a house near the Carolina Yacht Club in Wrightsville Beach saw a “reddish orange light blinking erratically” in the distance before another, white light appeared and disappeared before dividing into “nine orbs” in a “V formation.”

“We were all shocked and we all agreed that what we saw was not manmade,” the report stated.


The report was filed June 24, with the sighting listed as occurring June 22 around 9:30 p.m. Following the sightings of blinking lights, the group reports seeing helicopters and two fighter jets.

“Down in that neck of the woods, we have military training all the time,” said Senior Chief Jim Moore, with the Coast Guard.

Moore is based in the Sector North Carolina Command Center and says our coastal waters are part of a large “Cherry Point Operating Area,” where a lot of military training exercises take place.

According to Moore, multiple military bases from Camp Lejeune to Cherry Point to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, use the same waters off our beaches for various types of training, day and night — one viable explanation for the blinking lights followed by helicopters and jets.