Social media was rocked when Lawrence, portrayed by actor Jay Ellis, surprisingly returned to HBO’s hit series Insecure Sunday night. Many fans, specifically the notorious #LawrenceHive were saddened, and some angered, to learn Issa Rae wrote the character, his friends and storyline out of the show. His return at the end of the Coachella episode was sweet for fans, but Ellis reveals that Issa never really said he would be gone for good.
After the show ended Sunday, fans claimed Issa Rae led them astray, but Ellis said to Entertainment Weekly she was instead misquoted.
“I think it’s actually very unfair that she was misquoted. I think what Issa actually said was, ‘We’re taking a break from Lawrence.’ A break doesn’t mean a season,” Ellis shared. “A break could mean an episode, it could mean 30 minutes, it could mean a year. She didn’t actually put a time limit on what the break was. . .I think she actually chose her words very correctly, and I think people just kind of took it and ran with it in another way.”
Working on the show is also a surprise for the cast, Ellis revealed they also didn’t know he would be appearing this season.
“People literally didn’t know I was showing up to set. It was really amazing. t was like a homecoming feeling. It was like seeing friends and seeing family that you haven’t seen in a while, but people were also kind of shocked when they saw me, which was really interesting.”
Lawrence will be back next week, with the recap of what has been going on, on his end of the Insecure world. Check out his full interview here.