NYPD Sergeant Who Supported Colin Kaepernick Blocked From A Promotion

NYPD Sergeant Edwin Raymond was looking forward to being promoted after he scored No. 26 out of 1,325 sergeants on the lieutenants’ test. However, Raymond claims he was not promoted because of his support of Colin Kaepernick.

The NYPD did not comment on Raymond’s claims, but a senior police official said: “the department received complaints involving Raymond’s conduct in enforcing orders of protection and is looking into the allegations.”

Raymond told the New York Daily News, “It is unfortunate. I did a press conference in support of Colin Kaepernick, using his status to put a spotlight on issues in policing that need to be fixed. Because of the controversy, a lot of cops criticized him. Me being aligned with him was seen as standing with the enemy.”

Ed Mullins, the president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, sides with Raymond, “Decisions are made on the sly, and there are people who have pending charges and still get promoted, and others whose promotions are held back for reasons that are never explained. If this doesn’t appear to be retaliation, then I don’t know what is.”