6ix9ine’s Lawyer Says Gun Found in Home Won’t Stick to His Client

One week everything is good for Tekashi 6ix9ine and the next it appears his world is crashing down. With documents set against him to possibly lead to jail time, the “FEFE” rapper is currently looking to have a pending gun charge against him thrown out.

A little while back federal agents raided the home of 6ix9ine and recovered a handgun at the scene. TMZ reports his attorney Lance Lazzaro is confident that the gun charge will never come to fruition, specifically because his client doesn’t own a gun. If that’s not enough to let 6ix9ine skate by, there is also the report that he moved out of the home in question weeks before the raid occurred.

While 6ix9ine is reportedly not been at the home there have been others to have visited and the gun could belong to anyone.


Wednesday reports of court documents filed against 6ix9ine stated that he is a known gang member and has violated his plea deal on a couple of separate incidents.