URL Announces ‘SMACK Volume 3’ Event

After a successful venture internationally with the weekend’s Summer Madness 8 in London, URL has announced that their next major event will be SMACK Volume 3 on Saturday, December 15th.

Smack Volume, an exclusive small room series, has proven to be a huge success for the platform. When SMACK Volume 1 was birthed last December, numerous battles including JC vs. Nu Jerzey Twork, Rum Nitty vs. Iron Solomon and K-Shine vs. Danny Myers made the card a classic. In fact, it clocked a mind-boggling 2.5 million views.


SMACK Volume 2 culminated the marketing frenzy of March Madness aka SMACK Madness earlier this Spring.  On this card was the highly anticipated Arsonal Da Rebel vs. Hollow Da Don rematch. This battle failed to live up to its lofty expectations. However, SMACK Volume 2 was notable for the Aye Verb vs. Nu Jerzey Twork battle, which included one of the best moments in the history of battle rap. Twork’s 3rd round showed that he had the showmanship and wordplay that makes superstars in this sport.

Both SMACK Volume cards have been All-America affairs, and it will be interesting to see how the card is after URLTV’s first true international taste. Pat Stay’s excellent performance against Tay Roc puts him in contention for a home URL debut, while a call-up for K-Shine, Geechi Gotti or Iron Solomon can all be influential in deciding who is the CHAMPION of the year. Stay tuned to The Source for more details.