Jacquees Stands On Comment and Call Keith Sweat the King ‘Of Back Then’

Last week Cash Money artist Jacquees sent the music world an in uproar with his claim as the King of R&B. Since then, artists such as J. Holiday, P.Diddy, Tyrese and Usher all have weighed in on the debate.

Over the weekend, TMZ reported a video where the newly self-proclaimed king, Jacquees, ran into R&B greatness, Keith Sweat.

Backstage at the V-103 Winterfest concert at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, a reporter asked Sweat to weigh in his thoughts on the latest news, but before he could answer, Jacq interrupted with comments of his own.

Take a look below.

While Sweat didn’t give a definitive answer, he let it be known that he’s still getting a bag. Meanwhile, Jacquees doubled down on his comment. “From 16-25, I’m the king,” said Jacq.