Man Who Purchased 120 Boxes of Girl Scouts Cookies Arrested

Do you remember the guy who went viral for purchasing 120 boxes of Girl Scout cookies so the troops could escape the cold weather?  Well, it looks like the same man has been arrested on drug charges.

According to WYFF, Detric Lee McGowan, 46, of Piedmont, South Carolina, was named in an indictment along with others, for conspiracy to import and possess with intent to distribute heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl.

McGowan is also one of four suspects named in the indictment for allegedly conspiring to smuggle more than $1 million dollars out of the United States, according to DEA officials.


While some may feel like the Girl Scouts were unknowingly put in harm’s way, the Girl Scouts disagree. In a statement the  Girl Scouts of South Carolina Mountains to Midlands said,

“Nobody was hurt. Nobody was threatened. We had no reason to believe that this man was anything other than one of our valuable customers that is helping Girl Scouts power awesome experiences through the Girl Scout Cookie Program. This is now in the hands of law enforcement and of course, we will cooperate with authorities.”

Last week one of the Girls Scout’s mothers shared a picture on Facebook which gained thousands of like and shares  saying that a man paid $540 in cash for all the girls cookies so the could escape  the cold.