Russell Simmons to Lead Day of Meditation in Response to Nipsey Hussle Murder

Many in the Hip-Hop community are in disbelief at the murder of Nipsey Hussle, to assist in the grieving period, Russell Simmons encourages fans to join him in a day of meditation. 

Taking to Instagram, Uncle Rush calls for today to be a day of meditation and reflection titled Black Divinity Meditation Day.

APRIL 6 in the wake of our renewed discussions of violence in our communities and in advance of a long hot summer where many will be killed in our inner cities We are asking all people of color and all people to give us 20 minutes as we dig for the GOD or the sacred direction or instructions within us.


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Pleaae read and repost # blackdivinitymeditation day APRIL 6 in the wake of our renewed discussions of violence in our communities and in advance of a long hot summer where many will be killed in our inner cities We are asking all people of color and all people to give us 20 minutes as we dig for the GOD or the sacred direction or instructions within us ,,,If u wanna join me 10pm Saturday eastern standard time Join me on instagram or Facebook live ?? To the many people who have complained that they feel left out please dig and understand that your silence in the face of continuing racism separation segregation and the lingering effects fr slavery Jim Crow our unequal prison and justice systems or the ongoing effects of white supremacy all over the world is not good for your ascension to higher plains …as good Christians Muslims Jews Buddhists or yogis we are called on to be activists …(please join us The intention is for all to meditate …..When we know ourselves we can see ourselves in each other This is the goal.. self realization self love and from that equality and justice can prevail

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Black Divinity Meditation Day will start today (April) at 10 am.
