R.Kelly continues to fall from grace. It was reported that the singer has neglected to pay his daughter’s college tuition. Kelly’s daughter Joann Lee was denied enrollment at a California college after she was told of these unpaid tuition bills. According to Lee, her father completely cut her off financially. In addition to tuition, he stopped paying rent for his daughter’s apartment and books. It is certainly a sad case when finances come in the way of a child’s education.
When asked about it, Kelly claims he stopped paying her bills because he assumed she dropped out of school. Darrell Johnson, Kelly’s Crisis Manager, says the Chicago native did not receive the correct documentation to fulfill his legal obligation. The “Ignition” artist is supposed to receive evidence of all college-related expenses in order to fulfill his obligation. Without documentation and lack of communication, he concluded his daughter was no longer enrolled.
Lee says she dropped out after lacking financial support. Kelly is obligated to pay for his children’s college-related expenses until they are 23 years of age. With a very distant and irreconcilable father-daughter relationship, it looks as if Lee can no longer look to her father for support. On the other hand, Lee is Kelly’s child. As a parent, it is a lifetime commitment to willingly guide, support and teach your child the ways of independence.
In his emotionally distressed interview with Gayle King back in March, the Pied Pieper of R&B admitted to being a “broke a** legend.”