Believe or not… the rapper T.I. is not only walking the walk, but has a prophetic word bubbling in his belly.
During a recent trip to St. Paul Community Baptist Church, where he spoke to several students at the Imagine Me Leadership Charter School, he remixed one of the oldest scriptures in the bible. He said to the young men in a fashion dripped with as much swag as this the Grand Hustle mogul could possibly muster:
“I want you all to understand is unique. Every day is a new opportunity to get out there, and make the day better than you were the day before. That is gonna depend largely upon what you chose to put into the day. There are a lot of times you hear people say, ‘Oh I am having such a bad day. It is such an ugly day outside.’ I want you all to understand that you are in control of how your day goes. We are very, very rarely in control of things that happen to us, but what we control is how we respond to the things that happen to us.”
Without knowing it, he “made live” for this future generation of brothers of faith Job 38: 12-13 that says, “Have you commanded the morning since your days began,
And caused the dawn to know its place, That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked be shaken out of it?” By sharing with the young men that they can control their days by setting the tone from the beginning of it, he paraphrases a message The Lord gives to Job while he is discouraged after God allowed him to be stricken by The Satan, losing all his wealth, family and good health. While many lay people believe that the Pentateuch is the oldest books of the bible, stating that they are actually the first five book (see the name), those books are carbon dated to have been written between 1446 and 1406 B.C. Scholars like Dr. Jin Han from the New York Theological Seminary contends, that The Book of Job was written by unknown Israelite around 1500 B.C.
Either way, the age old wisdom remains and Tip in his own way, made it plain. Good job, T.I.
Imagine Me Leadership Charter School (IMLCS) that not only provides a positive, nurturing environment along with an exciting, rigorous, academic and cultural program where boys learn to become responsible citizens, life-long learners, and community leaders. This East New York school boasts that its 4th graders have passed several New York High School Regents exams and has been identified by The New York State Education Department as a Reward School for the THIRD consecutive school year.