As Klay Thompson and the Golden State Warriors currently battle it out in the NBA Finals against the leading Toronto Raptors, it’s now looking like the star shooting guard may be prepping for a much greater role. New reports are now surfacing that the three-time NBA champion will be starring alongside LeBron James in the upcoming sequel to Space Jam.
The blockbuster report comes by way of FOX Sports’ Jason McIntyre, who discussed the rumor this past weekend on his FOX Sports Radio show (listen above). While talking about Klay’s chances of joining the Los Angeles Lakers, McIntyre states “Everybody thinks [Klay] is probably staying with the Warriors, and I would agree with that,” continuing on with, “But I heard some news this week that could change things — that Klay Thompson is now locked in to do ‘Space Jam 2.’ I don’t think that news is anywhere. I Googled it last night, I went on the Internet. Nobody has it. I do believe an announcement will come out after the Finals that Klay Thompson is committed to ‘Space Jam 2’: he will be in the movie.”
The conversation goes on to assume that, given the time Klay and LeBron would be spending together on the film, the former basketball star may be convinced by the latter to switch squads. Hey, if all else doesn’t work out for the Warriors this season, we could see this being a fine follow-up move — the movie, that is!