Celebrity Fitness Trainer Angela Manuel-Davis Shares How Fitness Starts From Inside

Angela Manuel-Davis recently brought her brand of fitness to the Propel Co: Labs Fitness Festival and immerses attendees in an experience that would leave them to know more about themselves inside and out.

The fitness festival is a celebration of movement and brings the top instructors and studios along with live music performances, holistic wellness and more to one place.

Manuel-Davis, known for her AMDIO Method and being one of the most sought after trainers at SoulCycle West Hollywood, is an elite fitness and motivational coach. Along with leading stars like Beyonce, Olivia Wilde and more to find a connection in body and spirit, Manuel-Davis is also a former member of the USA Track and Field Team.


Talking with The Source, Manuel-Davis spoke about her approach toward fitness, what you can expect from her classes and more.


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THANK YOU for having me in NOLA @hbo ! It was most definitely a vibe!!! #essencefest #paid ?

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Health and wellness carry various meanings for people and often have various components. How do you define it?

Angela Manuel-Davis: I would define health and wellness, first, if we are not healthy we can not live the life we are intended to live. Wellness is living the fullness of the life you were created to live. For me, I never felt like a trainer as much as I felt like a coach. It’s not so much about the physical or the definition but getting strong enough in your body to house the gift and to do the assignment of your life.

When people hear your name it’s an association with your AMDIO method. What went into creating your trademark method?
Physicality and fitness and movement, which is the vehicle to live life. It is simply the vehicle. We really touch on and focus and the change from the inside. My dad used to manage professional baseball and was a player, one thing he used to always say it was important for him to demand was as a great athlete. I was raised as watching him and inspired my career as a professional coach. Its deeper than the vehicle.

What creates the connection between the movement and belief of words?
Honesty, vulnerability, and transparency. If I can show up and be honest the tone is set. If we set that tone we are set to be able to grow. We can tear that wall down and when establishing that, not coming in as a know it all drill sergeant, but a human, it allows me to come in with our best.

You started in US Track and Field. What led you to soul cycle and providing fitness for others?
For anybody, it’s doing what they can with what they have been given. Not to make it super deep but it’s the purpose of life. When you are given gifts and talents, you give those back, you serve the world with those gifts.

Is there a demand of time that comes with being so sought out?
For everything you say yes to there is a list of things you say no to.  It’s being mindful of that with your decision making. You are able to prioritize and find a healthy balance for you. That relationship, in general, will stay healthy for how much you give. If we honor the commitment of the yes, and choose them wisely, we won’t feel torn and can be in the situation we committed to wholeheartedly.

Do you find yourself working with a member of your clientele that pushes you and your efforts?
You should always remain a student of the game. Always, always, always be in that sweet spot of being the mentor and mentee. I think that’s how we continue to grow, learn and evolve. When you are the smartest in the room you need a new room. Be around people that sharpen you, hold you to more and higher. That give and take of a student and teacher, it should be reciprocal.

You held classes at the Propel Co: Labs Fitness Festival. For those that come in your classes, what could they expect?
To walk in one way and out another, be given an opportunity to be clear and intentional on goals. They will close the gap on where they are and achieving those goals. We will take advantage of that time.

You have reached out to communities with your Urban Fitness program. What let you know that would be the next step for promoting taking care of your body?
It’s about underserved communities, I think that is part of who I am and what I know I have been called to do. To serve those communities, it was something we should all be doing. It goes back to being a student and a teacher. It’s important with being a service to the community. Not just be in this world taking, but giving. This is the opportunity to give. We take so much and this is my offering and speak to those who are not always spoken to and are overlooked, forgotten. Your dream is valid, you are important, let me get you strong enough in your body for you to live what you should with constantly.