Joe Budden Praises Omarion for Not Reacting to Lil Fizz Dating the Mother of His Child

If you are a viewer of Love and Hip-Hop, then like many, you have watched the love connection between Apryl Jones and Lil Fizz unfold. Following a huge amount of speculation, the Love and
Hip-Hop stars have been rumored to be in a relationship in which they denied and told their audience that they were strictly best friends. In a recent episode, they have revealed their true
feelings for each other, following with an intimate, on-screen kiss. Shortly after, the two have posted pictures and videos to Instagram revealing a little more than just a friendship.

Former rapper, Joe Budden took to his twitter to post, “Omarion don’t get enough credit for just chillin cuz man listen….” Many agree with Joe Budden and find it low for Omarion’s ex-bandmate and ex-fiance to be dating. Notwithstanding the negative response from certain watchers, the couple made their relationship official on the show, with Apryl closing down haters by saying, “For me, you have to be able to live your life. Stop being so mad and just live with me. Live.”

Lil Fiz responds to Joe Budden’s post on The Shaderoom saying “Lol Mr.PumpItUp clout chasing now.”

Many wonder what are the thoughts and feelings of singer, Omarion in all of this. In an interview with Raquel Harper, on “Raq Rants” when asked about Apryl’s friendship with Lil Fizz, Omarion responds, “She can do whatever she wants to do. She’s a grown woman.”


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#LilFizz stepped into #TheShadeRoom to show he’s not here for #JoeBudden’s commentary on his relationship ?

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Words by: Amira Lawson