Dr. Dre is the Top-Earning Musician of the Decade

At the end of the decade, Dr. Dre has put a lot of numbers on the board. Forbes has released the top-earning musicians of the decade and Dr. Dre comes in at the top of the list with $950 million.

The magazine details the large sum of money that comes due to the $3 billion buyout of Beats by Apple. That did way more than anything else he did as far as an album or touring.

The rest of the list is below.

  1. Taylor Swift ($825 million)
  2. Beyonce ($685 million)
  3. U2 ($675 million)
  4. Diddy ($605 million)
  5. Elton John ($565 million)
  6. Jay-Z ($560 million)
  7. Paul McCartney ($535 million)
  8. Katy Perry ($530 million)
  9. Lady Gaga ($500 million)