Lil Mo Opens Up About Alleged Abuse from Her Husband Karl Dargan

By: Amira Lawson

Lil Mo debuted the music scene as Missy Elliot’s protege. She is known for her pen game in the music industry after writing Ja Rule’s “I Cry” and “Put It On Me.” When not working with Ja Rule, she contributed her vocals on Missy Elliot’s work, most notably the classic hit, “Hot Boyz.” After being signed to Elektra Records, Lil Mo was able to drop some classic hits of her own including, “Ta Da,” “Superwoman Pt.ll,” “4 Ever,” and “Hot Girls.” From that point, Lil Mo would go on to release 4 studio albums, eleven music videos, and fourteen singles.

Aside from her work as a soloist, In today’s generation, Lil Mo may be known for her appearances on reality television. Fans may recall seeing Lil Mo on Love and Hip-Hop New York, R&B Divas: Los Angeles, Marriage Boot Camp, and Couples Court. Most of the time she appeared alongside her husband, Karl Dargan whom she married in 2014.

In a recent interview with QuickSilva, Lil Mo details what happened when she and her husband came from filming Marriage Boot Camp. The couple arranged a family day yet he didn’t make it. Mo said she confronted Karl in light of the fact that she thought he was either drunk or high, which she then shares caused him to go into a fury. She recorded the episode and played it in court when she got a restraining order against him. Allegedly, He attempted to take off with her vehicle, yet she was able to stop him. She says the situation escalated to her husband punching holes in walls and breaking cell phones. If that wasn’t enough, she details Karl throwing hot tea and hot coffee on her. Mo additionally blamed him for cheating, taking a lady’s Visa, punching her in the face so hard that she thought she’d separated her jaw, and threatening to kill Mo while they were in the middle of an argument.

Earlier this month, Lil Mo shared with fans on Instagram that she was free of her Opioid addiction. “​Spent sooooo much paying other people’s bills just to be high and a functioning addict. Glad I let the TOXIC GO!!!!,” she stated. Lil Mo guarantees that 2020 will be a major year for her and her kids, and says thank you to her supporters who have stayed down with her since the beginning.