Vine 2 Reboot “Byte” Officially Launches

Its been almost two years since Vine co-creator, Dom Hofmann, announced that he was working on a successor to the popular Vine app, which allowed users to upload 6-second videos for the world to see.

Yesterday, Jan 24, Hofmann took to Twitter to announce that Vine’s successor, Byte, is officially available to download. Byte, much like its predecessor, allows users to share 6-second videos.

Byte comes with standard features like an explore page, notifications, and profiles, but lacks reality filters, transition effects and other features that are found in TikTok.

However, unlike its competitors, Byte will allow its popular users to monetize off of their videos. In an interview with TechCrunch, Hofmann plans to launch a pilot of its partnering program which would offer monetization for popular users when the app. When asked if Hofmann was interested in allowing ads on the app as a form of monetization, Hoffman said that “We’re looking at all of those, but we’ll be starting with a revenue share + supplementing with our own funds. We’ll have more details about exactly how the pilot program will work soon.”’

Hofmann has been working on and off the app since 2018. Twitter had acquired Vine in 2012, and in 2014, Hofmann left Vine. When Twitter shut down Vine in 2016, Hofmann went public with his frustrations with how Twitter handled the video-sharing app.

Fans of Vine took to Twitter to show their excitement about Vine’s successor.