Civil Rights Leader Reverend Joseph Lowery Passes Away at 98

Civil rights leader Reverend Joseph Lowery has passed away at 98 due to natural causes on Friday, according to family members.  

Nicknamed the Dean of the Civil Rights Movement, Reverand Joeseph Lowery was an American minister and founder of the Southern Christan Leadership Conference alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Lowery was the pastor of Warren Street Methodist Church in Mobile Alabama from 1952-1961. He began his career in the civil rights movement after he helped lead the Montgomery boycott. 

Former President Barack Obama remembered Lowery in an Instagram post, 

He begins, The Reverand Joeseph Lowery was born and raised in Jim Crow Alamba with no power or privilege to speak of. But he had preaching in his blood. He has conviction that he could join and inspire others to push for change.

He continued by saying Rev. Lowery has been fighting for our rights for a long time. 

From those early days of the movement to his long leadership of Southern Christian Leadership Conference he did so much to carry us even closer to the just fair inclusive and generous America promised in our founding ideals.

He ended by sending his love and prayers to the family,

Reverend Lowery changed the face of America. He carried the baton longer and surer than almost anybody. It falls to the rest of us now to pick it up and never stop moving forward until we finish what he started that journey to justice. Michelle and I remember him fondly and our love and prayers are with his family and his nationwide flock.