National Guard Deployed in Los Angeles as Looting and Vandalism Overshadows Protests Over Death of George Floyd

The Los Angeles sun is back out and the damages are being assessed citywide after an extremely violent night. 

National Guard troops were deployed onto the streets of Los Angeles early this morning as looting, vandalism, and violence intensified overnight, and the police department had seemingly struggled to restore order after two days of chaos. 

Photos showed five military Humvees parked at 3rd and Hill streets downtown early this morning. Guardsmen dressed in full combat gear currently stand guard at several shattered storefronts and buildings where broken windows, trash, and graffiti create a seldom seen landscape. 


California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in the city and county of Los Angeles shortly before midnight.  

The National Guard was called in to assist police after two days of violent demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was pinned down by the neck by a white police officer in Minneapolis.

Kathryn Barger, Board of Supervisors Chair announced Sunday that she has proclaimed a state of emergency as well, which will facilitate interagency response coordination and mutual aid, accelerate the procurement of vital supplies, and enable future state and federal reimbursement of costs incurred by the county.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joined other politicians with statements referring to the protests. “With liberty comes responsibility to be able to peacefully protest,” Garcetti said. “For that one or two percent of the protesters who think that (violence) is the way to make a statement, do not do a disservice to the memory of George Floyd (and) the folks who have died at the hands of the brutality that we all stand against.”

We will report more on the progress of Los Angeles as more details are made available.