Census Check: Make Yourself Count – Literally!

The Census is an essential tool in our system of government, private enterprise, and community. Many of the most important decisions made by government and business leaders are based on the information that is provided by the census and its interim community surveys.

We know it can get a little confusing, but we’ve got you covered. Here’s a breakdown on what you need to know about the 2020 Census:

What is the Census?
The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories.

What is the purpose of the Census?
The Census collects information about individuals and then uses that information to get a broader sense of the population in general. This information then is used to calculate the number of seats that each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Why is the Census important to me?
Responding to the census is not only your civic duty; it also affects the amount of funding your community receives, how your community plans for the future, and your representation in the government. Specifically, data from 2020 are used to:
– Ensure public services and funding for schools, hospitals, and fire department;
– Plan new homes and businesses and improve neighborhoods;
– Determine how many seats your state is allocated in the House of Representatives.

How is the Census conducted?
Every household will have the option of responding online, by mail, or by phone.

What information will be collected?
The census will collect basic information about the people living in your household. When completing the Census, you should count everyone living in your household at the time.

The Census is particularly important to young adults because the information reported is used for funding for Pell Grants — the federal student-aid program many low-income young adults rely on to finance their higher education. More than 7.5 million students without a bachelor’s degree were projected to receive the grants in the fiscal year 2018, according to the Congressional Budget Office. “The more New York City is undercounted, and the more Brooklyn is undercounted, the less federal investment there is, the less desirable it becomes,” Clarke said. “It essentially would make it ultimately a not very desirable place to live if it doesn’t have hospitals and good schools.

The 2020 census had been scheduled to stop at the end of July, but the deadline has now been extended to mid-August. The real power lies in how you’re counted. Do your part and respond to the Census online: https://2020census.gov