Audio of Jimmy Kimmel Repeatedly Saying the N-Word in 1996 Snoop Dogg Impersonation Resurfaces

Jimmy Kimmel is the latest victim of cancel culture. He was recently accused of dismissing the sexualization of a teenaged Megan Fox.

Their interview resurfaced and the actress revealed that she was only 15-years-old when she was casted as an extra in the 2003 Bad Boys II movie. Michael Bay wanted her in the club scene but she was too young to sit at the bar, so he had her stand at a waterfall in heels and a bikini. Kimmel laughed it off, but apparently, fans wanted him to do more.

The TV host is on the cancel block once again because he made a parody Christmas song called “Christmastime in the LBC,” which is supposed to be a Snoop Dogg imitation. He spits lyrics like “n*gga in the manger,” “I told that motherf*cker Santa, bring a pick for my afro,” and “fat n*gga in a sleigh giving sh*t away.”


Apparently, Jimmy Kimmel has a weird fascination with Black culture because he used blackface on The Man Show which ran for five years from 1999 to 2004. 

Check out the audio from the song and let us know your thoughts: