SOURCE SPORTS: Major League Baseball Aiming for July 24 Start Date

Baseball is inching closer to a potential start. ESPN reports Major League Baseball is set to host a 60-game season that would start around July 24. The only remaining hurdles are for players to sign a health-and-safety protocol and plan to arrive at home stadiums by July 1.

The league owners voted in favor of the season on Monday (June 22), just hours after the MLB Players Association voted against a 60-game proposal with expanded postseason and salary increases. 

The rejection by the MLBPA led the league to exercise to create a schedule of the desired length, as designated in a March 26 agreement. 60 Games would last for as many games as possible through September 27 before moving into the playoffs.

Players have detailed to ESPN they are ready to report to their teams with an executive subcommittee member telling ESPN, “We are ready to get back on the field.”