On Friday, Elon Musk said in a statement, that in one day, he took four COVID-19 tests. A move unheard of so far during the pandemic. The series of tests are called rapid antigen tests. And Musk received two negative and two positive results.
The tech guru also tweeted that he took two PCR tests at separate labs and is waiting for the results.
Musk, who previously dismissed COVID-19 and its severity, tweeted that something “extremely bogus” was going on. Bogus maybe. Concerning for sure! But it does raise the question “What’s really going on”?
Rapid antigen tests require a nasal sample that can be collected at home or by a healthcare provider. They work by identifying specific proteins that are found on the surface of the novel coronavirus when someone is infected with COVID-19.
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said during a news conference “When somebody tests positive for COVID here at the Kennedy Space Center and across NASA, it is our policy for that person to quarantine and self-isolate, so we anticipate that that will be taking place.”
We will keep you all updated as more info is made available