U.S. Senator Asks Streaming Companies to Make Services Free Over Holidays To Slow The Spread of COVID-19

This is an idea most people might be able to get behind.

In a letter addressed to executives at Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, and other streaming giants, Angus King, a Senator from Maine, asked streaming companies to make their services free this holiday season in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. He argued that free access to their services would entice people to stay home and not go outside and gather in groups.

“As organizations around the country continue to respond to the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, I am reaching out to discuss and consider the unique role that your companies play in providing content-based activities this holiday season,” King wrote. “Specifically, I encourage you to temporarily remove any cost considerations for use of your services for current non-subscribers as a public service to who are seeking to remain safe and indoors this holiday season, as opposed to the risks involved as the nation sees a dramatic surge in pandemic cases.”


King concluded, arguing that making the services free would result in higher traffic for the companies. “While your platforms would likely experience greater traffic as a consequence of extending service, we encourage you to provide temporary service at no cost to non-subscribers as a way to encourage people to make responsible choices and safely navigate this holiday season.”