“Yo Trap” formally known as “El Guapo” / “G. Wade” from Albany, New York. He’s a part of a rap group called “Y9 Kitchen Boyz” formally known as “C&H Empire”.He has multiple videos on Worldstar Hip-Hop, he has been featured in numerous blogs including This is 50, HHS-1987, HOT 97. Yo Trap has also opened up for artists such as the “Migos”, “Chief Keef”, & “Camron”. Just recently dropped a single off of his latest project “Trappin Ain’t Dead 2” the single is “Get It Back” featuring another hot up and coming artist named “Shug Da Trappa”. Due to paperwork & beat clearances the tape has been pushed back but will definitely be released before early Summer 2021. Be sure to follow @Y9_YoTrap on Instagram. Check out his latest release Get It Back!