If there was any high point in human evolution in recent times, it would undoubtedly be the discoveries in the field of quantum physics. Finally, scientists have managed to look into the metaphysical aspects of consciousness with their trained, rational eye and see the infinite
human potential. Real estate mogul Yusuf Yolasan, although not a quantum physicist, has found what the scientists have found in his own life through the work he does. He believes that the human mind has access to infinite possibilities. He believes in a limitless life. But he also
understands that there are rules to such a life. Here he shares three key rules to living one.
Continuously increase your knowledge. In order to stay relevant with ever changing times and environments you must always keep learning. This applies to all fields. Ongoing education will keep you vibrant, young, and adaptable.
Often times we are own worst enemy. Draining ourselves with fear, worry and indecision. On the other hand, use physical exercise, a positive mental state, and written goals to energize yourself. Setting goals is a tricky thing. Some know exactly what they can do and what they can’t. Some get hurt by biting off more than they can chew. ”Though it is difficult, one must set small achievable goals to grow gradually,” says Yolasan. And finally keep yourself going by tracking your progress and keeping yourself accountable.
For Yolasan, hard work is patience. He believes that today in age a lack of patience is sometimes what leads to many failures and not laziness. Things need time to flourish and grow. Be patient with yourself.
Yusuf Yolasan’s practical tips to a limitless life are truly inspiring, and they display the power of the human mind.