Longevity Is The Name Of The Game For Kfhox In 2021

In music, like sports, the long game is a necessary part of winning. Creating an effective strategy to not only create impactful music, but then pounding the pavement (and stages) to ensure the music reaches the ears of listeners is vital to a successful career in music. It’s a particularly detoured road as an indie artist, who is responsible for wearing many hats along that journey. Kfhox has been no stranger to what is often referred to as “the grind” over the last 10 years as an independent artist.

Kathryn F. Hoxie, known better musically as Kfhox, used fan funding to raise over $11,000 over time to fund musical projects that she spearheaded. Learning from trial and error, while continuously keeping her eyes on the prize, Kfhox has paved her own lane. Her prize, however, may not be as straight forward as many artists on similar paths. 

While motivated by the desire to succeed, Kfhox has tapped into a bigger picture while in pursuit of creating a global audience. She credits her faith and daily meditation practice as the fuel to keep moving forward in what can be a thankless pursuit at times. It’s often said that it takes 10 years to become an “overnight success,” and she’s certainly clocked the hours to pay her dues as a musician and artist. Her goal is not a one-and-done vision of reaching the top of some musical mountain, but an ongoing exploration of herself as a human being to keep digging deeper into her own psyche as a means to create the space for herself and others to continue to strive for self actualization. 


Her purpose has never been more clear than it became during the pandemic, with the time to sit with herself, all while writing and recording new music that demonstrated a new domain for the artist, who had previously held herself in a stringent tight-hold as a certain kind of artist that could be well received across several demographics of audiences. 

Her upcoming fourth studio album, “I Am Anomaly,” is a reflection of that exploration of her self, the many facets that are all parts of the whole. The seemingly contradictory parts that she had resisted sharing have now made their way to their surface and have been given a voice to allow her the freedom to be the kind of artist who can not easily be fit into a neat box. Kfhox has taken on more ownership of the darker parts of herself and her journey to embrace all the experiences that have carried and led her to entering her 10th year in music. 

Her next single, “Rider,” is a glimpse into this next new chapter. It’s a song that touches on that self exploration to create a love outside of herself by finding the love within. The song integrates sounds of nostalgia while bringing her music to the present moment. For more info on how to find out where to stream Kfhox’s music and catch her performing live, visit kfhox.com