ICYMI: Lauren London Trends After ‘ATL 2’ Teaser Surfaces Online

ATL Chris Robinson took to Instagram to tease the trailer for ATL 2: Homecoming starring T.I., Lauren London, Jason Weaver, Jackie Long, Evan Ross, and Albe Back.

“HEY @chancetherapper WHAT IF…….. WE DID IT ONE MORE TIME + #THE FAMILY,” Robinson captioned the preview.

Chance The Rapper tweeted on Wednesday, “I believe ATL is a movie that never truly got it’s flowers. It’s probably the most quotable movie from my childhood.”

The preview for ATL 2 was met with mixed reviews on Twitter but Lauren London began trending. “Me going to see ATL 2 just to see Lauren London,” one fan tweeted, meanwhile another user wrote, “I know y’all didn’t bother Lauren London to do this.”

It looks like everyone from the original movie reprised their role because Robinson even tagged Big Boi, who portrayed Marcus.

ATL was released in 2006 and marked Robinson’s directorial debut. It was produced by Dallas Austin and T-Boz and loosely based on their experiences growing up in Atlanta.

Will Smith also served as a producer and was a force behind the film’s success. They [the studio] were trying to give us like a limited release, a limited screen release, which is what they do with a lot of Black films in Hollywood and what that does, it doesn’t put you on an even level playing field [for box office revenue or press] where you can actually compete because you’re not in the same amount of theaters,” Weaver said on the Talk2pops podcast.

The veteran actor went on to explain that limited screenings hinder a movie’s success despite its critical acclaim. “With Will and his production company, they fought tooth and nail to make sure that we were at least in the same amount of theaters as ‘Ice Age 2,’ which I think was out at the time,” Weaver continued.

ATL went on to become a cult classic and officially launched Lauren London’s acting career, With a budget of just $7 million, ATL tripled, bringing in over $21 million throughout its run. The film also won an award at the BET Hip Hop Awards in 2006. 

News of a sequel was first reported in 2015 then reignited two years later. “I know that they are working on it, and I know that this is something that they are trying to push forward,” London confirmed.

Are you here for part 2? Check out some reactions on Twitter below:
