Jaysenlazy is Dominating the Music Industry

Jaysen Walker, aka Jaysenlazy, is beginning to become a world-renowned name in the music industry. Born and raised in Compton, Ca, Jaysenlazy is no stranger to the everyday struggles people face in life. To escape the harsh reality going on around him, Jaysenlazy turned to music as a way out. He had seen what music did for so many others facing similar situations and knew he had the power within to turn his dream into a reality. Rappers like 50 Cent, and Eminem were the catapults that inspired him to create his own music and tell his side of the story. 

Jaysenlazy is currently an independent artist. He describes his music as sad, sexual, and angry. He draws inspiration for his lyrics from the trials and tribulation he faced growing up and continues to face to this day. Living in such a tough environment Jaysenlazy developed depression. Defying all odds, Jaysenlazy has become an inspiration to so many others. When listening to his music you can hear the pain and emotion behind his music.Jaysenlazy has a way of penetrating your soul that has yet to be seen in the music industry. 

As for his next project, Jaysenlazy plans to release his latest album on May 10th, titled “Suicidal Depression”. In this album Jaysenlazy goes deep on his family, love, and life. It is an album that all listeners can connect to and draw out important life lessons to live by. This is an extremely exciting time for Jaysenlazy as he embarks on the next step of this journey called life. Be sure to follow Jaysenlazy on all platforms and keep up with the release of “Suicidal Depression”. 


Follow Jaysenlazy on:

Spotify: @Jaysenlazy

Youtube: Jaysen Lazy

Instagram: @Jaysenlazy