Principal At LeBron James ‘I Promise’ School Resigns After Slapping Student

Brandi Davis, the principal of LeBron James “I Promise” School has reportedly resigned after being accused of slapping an 11-year-old student back in September.

Davis has been under investigation since the incident occurred three months ago. Davis allegedly slapped the kid for using profanity after he and some other boys had made a mess in the bathroom and refused to clean it.

In a statement to The Beacon Journal, the mother of the victim had received a text message from Davis stating that she had slapped her son. The mother of the victim claimed that her son had a busted lip and was bleeding, and was wearing a face covering at the time of the incident.

When asked why she slapped the student, Davis said she “had just reacted.”

“We are family, and that means we support every one of our I PROMISE educators, students, and family members through anything they may be going through,” the school said in a statement released after the incident. “In this and in every case, we will always do everything we can to make sure all are loved and supported during these times as we learn and grow as a family.”

Prior to the incident, Davis had been an educator with the Akron School District for over 20 years and was a well-known figure in the community. The results of the investigation are pending, and it is unsure if Davis will face more repercussions.