Kash Doll Leaves The Hospital With New Baby Wearing Newly Gifted Designer Heels

Kash Doll showed off her new mom look on Instagram.  As she was getting the baby all secured in his car seat her husband gives her fans a glimpse of the rapper/actress’s complete ensemble, Full mink coat, lemonade braids, Balenciaga Pajamas, and Croc Heels gifted to her from her best friend and the baby’s godmother Kendra.  When her husband commented that she couldn’t wait to put on heels quick enough.  Kash Doll quickly answered him with “don’t play with me I’m a momma.  KashtonProphet Richardson was born January 6th, 2022 at 9:36 pm weighing in at 6lbs 6ozs. Kash Doll hinted at wanting the croc heels in a post asking her friend to bring them to the hospital when she came to see the baby.

When she received the gift, lovingly addressed to her from Kash to Mommy, her reaction was priceless. Clearly excited, gushing “I know that’s right best friend, don’t play with me, and don’t play with me and my best friend. Congratulations again to Kash Doll and her family with the newest addition to her family and the fabulous gift.