Loco Ink Shares His Insights on the Universality of Music

Music is a universal language—and art form that transcends all human boundaries. If you listen to songs in only your native language, you might be missing out on some of the most interesting styles and genres there are in the world. Evan R Salinas is a Mexican-origin singer and songwriter born in Toronto, Canada, who is making waves around the world with his music and not just in his home country.

Evan R Salinas, also known by his stage name Loco Ink, is a singer from Mexico who incorporates the Spanish language into his art. “I think everyone can enjoy the music I create,” he said. “My music includes a blend of different cultures and has a worldly flavor. You might be surprised to find that listening to music in a different language can be just as fulfilling as listening to songs in your native tongue.”

Loco Ink loves introducing new elements of songwriting to his songs that people around the world will enjoy. One of his most recent songs is “Like U,” which has revolutionized the genre. Loco Ink is convinced that once people take a chance on his music, they’ll find something to get them on their feet.


If you’re not listening to music from around the world, you’re missing out on a lot. “Music is one of those things that bring us together as a species,” said Loco Ink. “Even if you can’t travel to another county, you can learn a lot about the place and its people by listening to its music.” K-pop and J-pop, popular music from South Korea and Japan respectively, have gained lots of popularity in the United States and even the world over in recent years, and Loco Ink hopes that this trend continues and extends to countries like Mexico. “I can’t wait to break through and show the entire world what I can do,” he said.

Here’s hoping Loco Ink’s meaningful tidbits inspire you to broaden your horizons and give the music of different languages and cultures a try.