Sydney Lynn Schmall: A Deep Connection to music is Like Two Sides of a Coin

It is no secret that artists feel more intensely than other people. This emotion can shine like a beacon through their work. Whether it is music, painting, photography, or sculpting, feelings are directly communicated through that artist’s medium of choice.
For Sydney Lynn Schmall, that medium is music. She does not hold back when writing a song but instead lets his creativity flow with emotion. The result is raw to the point of primordial. Her lyrics run the gambit of human experience, complete with beautiful music that adds even more of an impact to what is being said. Like so many other artists, Sydney Lynn Schmall thinks and feels on a different level than those who do not fall into this group of creative genius.
She calls it a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that artists can have transformational experiences that define what it is to be human. Happy moments are euphoric, but like the rest of life, you have to take the bad with the good. Sydney Lynn Schmall explains that it can be excruciating when an artist is faced with the dark side of emotions. Pain, anger, despair, loneliness, and betrayal resonate much more deeply thus have significant impacts.
These impacts can result in masterpieces. For musicians like Sydney Lynn Schmall, great songs can be inspired by painful emotions. While there are countless feel-good tracks out there that happen to be terrific pieces of music, it is the titles that pull at our hearts that are truly memorable. These tracks are nothing less than someone baring their soul and sharing a deeply personal experience with the world.
Sydney Lynn Schmall points out that the most creative people can often be battling a host of problems. There is staggering evidence that artists endure mental health issues because they do have a deeper connection with reality. Sydney Lynn Schmall somberly points out since songs are often emotional manifestations, it is not a coincidence that so many songs resonate with the masses globally. The human experience can be challenging enough, and those who feel more intensely often create masterpieces to give themselves a creative outlet.
On the other hand, Sydney Lynn Schmall advises, “Often people think that all is well amidst the success and the spotlight artists earn; however, even creative geniuses need someone to be just there and be their rock.”