Unfinished Business is an American crime web series set in the diverse city of Philadelphia. This project was created and co-produced by Michael Braxton and Get Money Filmz. Producers are excited and eager to share months of hard work and dedication with viewers. In making this web series, producers sought to educate the public on the plight of vulnerable American communities caught between a rock and a hard place. Audiences can expect nerve-racking scenes filled with greed, lust, murder, and bags of dead presidents.
This highly-charged web series narrates the illegal activities of a corrupt police task force. With corruption as its central theme, Unfinished Business takes viewers on a journey, highlighting the devastating consequences of police exploitation and abuse of power. The plot chronicles the entanglement of this nefarious drug unit, along with violent drug gangs and the negative impact endured by residents of this Philadelphia neighborhood. Police use methods of intimidation and blackmail to make a big score and fatten their pockets. Drug gangs are focused on defending and expanding their turf and are quick to use deadly methods to secure territory.
Unfinished Business presents the intricacies of sex, drugs, money, violence, murder, and at the center, the vicious drug gangs and lawless cops who take advantage of the situation for their personal gains.
Instagram: getmoneyfilmzllc
Instagram: getmoneyfilmz215
Instagram: streetsoundsvideoshow
Instagram: unfinished_business_webseries
Unfinished Business currently airs via Xfinity (Comcast ch 66/966/967) and Verizon (ch 29/30) in the Philadelphia television market area. And viewers can also catch the show via Fire-Tv and Roku.