Kevin Hart Gifts Nick Cannon a Condom Vending Machine: “Now U Don’t Have an Excuse”

The prank wars between friends Kevin Hart and Nick Cannon is still going on. This time, Hart gets the upper hand on Cannon. Recently, Cannon announced his eighth child is on the way, so what was the best way for Hart to support his friend? Sending a condom vending machine.

“I see u got my gift @nickcannon ….GOTCHA BITCH!!!!!!” Hart wrote on Instagram. “Now u don’t have an excuse because the condoms are free #PrankWars.”

Back in September, the war between the two made it to the premiere of Cannon’s new daytime talk show as he shared that he wrapped Hart’s private jet with his face.


“I got you good @kevinhart4real – and I GOT you as the FIRST GUEST on my new talk show,” Cannon wrote on Instagram.

Kevin Hart placed Nick Cannon on a Billboard with a fatherhood advice hotline in a previous prank after Cannon bought him a llama.

You can see the plane prank below.