Star2, the rising rapper-to-watch from San Diego will drop his Real Life EP with features from Luh Kel, Lil Poppa and $tupid Young at the end of the month. A feature and music video with Soulja Boy called “New Me” will follow.
The concept for the EP project centers around Star2’s experience in a Thai refugee camp from birth to age six and then poverty, racism, and gang violence in East San Diego, California. Sprinkled among two “conscious rap” tracks – “Real Life” and “Run Away” – Star2 delivers romance, heartache, and street life.
“I wanted to include the full range of my life,” Star2 explains. “Everyone relates to my break-up songs but my Ka-ren people have a special bond to my songs that touch on our struggle and suffering in Thai refugee camps and as refugees in other countries because of Burmese soldiers and the Myanmar Junta.”
Star2 began his life in Mae La, a refugee camp of 55,000 in the Tak Province of Thailand, on the Myanmar border. His family fled Burmese soldiers who burned down their village. The largest of nine refugee camps in the area, 90 percent are persecuted Ka-ren indigenous people. Star2’s family walked 500 miles through the jungle to reach the camp after many had been killed.
Check out Star2’s latest video releases here and don’t forget to follow him on socials for more updates:
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