Rabu Gary’s Journey to Music Industry is a Story of Unwavering Passion & Dedication

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato 

Music has often been the sweet escape from the stresses of life. This form of art has always touched millions of hearts around the world, sometimes healing or bewitching them. Rabu Gary gravitated towards music at a very young age, because it was kind of a solace from his studies and school. As a kid, Rabu was never interested in school. Instead, he spent hours listening to different genres of music. This childhood love for music eventually culminated into an undying passion for the art that made him the king of modern jazz today. 

Rabu Gary is the youngest son of George Gary, a well-known pop artist of the 80s and 90s. As a child, Rabu looked up to his father for inspiration and wanted to follow in his footsteps. When Rabu was 10 and wanted to perform with his father on stage, George said no. He wanted to share the stage with his son only when Rabu could prove his craft. This fired the flames in Rabu to pursue his passion for music. 


After 12 years of relentless hard work, Rabu finally got the opportunity to perform with his father at the Symphony Music Festival. This officially marked the beginning of his music career. Since then, Rabu became a sought-after name at nightclubs and festivals. He has more than 15 chart-topping hits to his name and 5 of them have landed on the Hot 100 billboard.