Artist and Producer Itskash Releases “HEAVY”

Hailing from Manchester, New Hampshire, this rising star in the music industry is taking over and making himself known. Never one to back down from a challenge, Itskash is doubling down on his efforts to make it to the top as a musician, using his hard work ethic and magnetic personality to his advantage.

Itskash knows what it takes to grow something from the ground up, and isn’t afraid of being the newcomer on the block. He’s been there plenty of times before and had people doubting him, and it has never kept him from excelling above the rest.

While he never grew up with dreams of becoming a famous musician, things really changed for him at the start of the pandemic when he had a little more time on his hands. He discovered music almost accidentally, but really connected with it as a way to express himself and de-stress from everyday life.

What started off as a part-time hobby quickly turned into a full-time passion project, and he feels like it was fate that music fell into his lap as it did. He acknowledges the challenges associated with making it as an independent artist, though he’s more than ready to take on the industry and knockdown career milestones left and right.

To hear more from Itskash and stay up-to-date on his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:

Spotify Link:
Youtube Music:
Youtube Channel:
Apple Music:
Amazon Music:


