Carl Crawford Gets Unfiltered About Meg Thee Stallion & More On ‘A Conversation With Mr Jay Hill’

Jay Hill knows how to get the most out of his interview subjects. His show A Conversation With Jay Hill is becoming increasingly attractive with each episode. Recently, the seasoned multi-media creator sat down with 1501 Entertainment CEO Carl Crawford. He discussed his ongoing contract disputes with Grammy Winning rap star Meg Thee Stallion, his plans for Erica Banks, and more. Although Carl has done a few interviews with others, his sit-down with Hill is his most transparent offering. 

Carl Crawford is not shy when it comes down to telling his side of the story. Meg has plenty of fans and a massive machine behind her. Carl believes it is crucial to share his struggles while attempting to make good on his investment in the fast-rising MC. The issues between the two have been going on for over three years! Carl hopes that he can soon move past the situation. Moreover, Crawford and Hill also spoke about the lack of representation for black men in baseball. The former MLB star had a lot of information to offer throughout the 58-minute interview. 

Be sure to tune into the eye-opening interview today!