Westside Webb Shares New Project ‘Player Games Pt. 1’

With over a decade in the studio as a producer, Westside Webb is now turning heads with a career behind the mic. Based out of Los Angeles, he has been building his craft in the recording studio since he was 17, and now he has become the consummate singer-songwriter and rapper.

Laidback, soulful with drop-dead beats that are as luxurious as they are intoxicating, Westside is inspired by Polyester the Saint, Poly Boy, Sonny Digital, Jay-Z, Nip, Paul Hardcastle, and a lot of old school groups including The Gap Band and Loose Ends. Those links to the funk and soul of yesteryear are clearly evident when you listen to his last two albums ‘Caught In The Webb’ and ‘Webbie World’. A brilliant sliver of left coast hip hop, his rhymes are tight and tell a story that speaks to your soul. 

Determined to bring a new and refreshing sound to the game, Westside Webb is about to drop some serious heat with his latest single, ‘Player Games Part 1’. Extra smooth and deliciously funky, the song is a reflection of the everyday hustle, struggle, and challenges of today’s world. Giving his fans the motivation to be the best they can be, he also reminds them that it takes hard work and dedication.


With more tracks destined for the airwaves including the forthcoming ‘Player Games Part 2’, the buzz around Westside Webb is real. Join him as he cruises to a groove that is destined for bigger and better things. Get trapped in his Webb of Beats, Rhymes and Lyrics, because Westside, is the Best Side.

In the meantime check out ‘Player Games Part 1’ here as well as the “Different Goals” video below.