Blossoming huge in the scene comes King Ler, an intelligent energetic artist from Los Angeles, California. Starting his journey in 2013, he’s spent the past decade making a name for himself in L.A. and beyond with his original sound. Now on the verge of his big breakthrough, King Ler is ready to be heard by the world.
Coming from L.A., it’s easy to get drowned in the sound of the local scene. For King Ler, it made more sense to come into the game with his own original style. Songs like “Dumb” and “Sharks In The Water” put King Ler in a separate lane where his only competition is himself. With fans growing daily, he’s currently working on his debut EP and upcoming single “No Bad Energy”. If you’re a fan of L.A. artist king Nipsey Hussle and 03 Greedo, you should definitely give King Ler a listen.
Keep King Ler on your radar and watch out for his new single “No Bad Energy”.