In a shocking turn of events, Warner Bros announced on Tuesday (August 2) the decision to shelve the release of the anticipated feature film adaptation of the DC Comics superhero Batgirl starring In The Height’s actress Leslie Grace. Greenlit in 2021, the company’s decision reveals the film will not receive a theatrical or streaming platform release as the new corporate regime at Warner Bros. Discovery pivot in a new direction. Batgirl was set to be Grace, 27, breakout role.
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Shortly after news of the axed film surfaced, Grace would take to social media to respond to the news and thank the fans for all of their support since it was announced she’d be starring in the title role in 2021.
“Querida familia! On the heels of the recent news about our movie ‘Batgirl,’ she wrote in a Instagram post with photos of her in the Batgirl costume on set. “I am proud of the love, hard work and intention all of our incredible cast and tireless crew put into this film over 7 months in Scotland. I feel blessed to have worked among absolute greats and forged relationships for a lifetime in the process! To every Batgirl fan – THANK YOU for the love and belief, allowing me to take on the cape and become, as Babs said best, “my own damn hero!” #Batgirl for life! 🦇”
Batgirl director, Adil El Arbi, would share his thoughts on the surprising cancellation of the film on Tuesday, stating, “We are saddened and shocked by the news. We still can’t believe it. As directors, it is critical that our work be shown to audiences, and while the film was far from finished, we wish that fans all over the world would have had the opportunity to see and embrace the final film themselves. Our amazing cast and crew did a tremendous job and worked so hard to bring Batgirl to life. We are forever grateful to have been part of that team. In any case, as huge fans of Batman since we were little kids, it was a privilege and an honour to have been part of the DCEU [DC Extended Universe], even if it was for a brief moment. Batgirl for life.”
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News of the film’s shelving was met with a wide variety of speculations such as Grace’s acting performance coming into question. However, Warner Bros Discovery quickly extinguished the rumor with a released statement praising the actress performance on the $90 million dollar production.
In a message released on Tuesday, Warner Bros said, “Leslie Grace is an incredibly talented actor and this decision is not a reflection of her performance.”
Fans of the actress and comic have begun a #SaveBatgirl social media campaign in hopes of the studio’s reconsideration of the film’s release.
More as the story develops.