In the latest episode of the ongoing saga between rapper Young Jeezy and TV talk show host Jeannie Mai, the plot thickens as Jeezy seeks primary custody of their 2-year-old daughter, Monaco. Last week, tensions reached a boiling point as Jeezy escalated the pressure in their divorce proceedings by filing for primary custody of Monaco. The move came after Jeezy claimed that Mai was limiting his access to their daughter, sparking a bitter custody battle that has captured headlines.

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According to reports from TMZ, Jeezy alleges that Mai has been obstructing his visitation rights and restricting his ability to spend time with Monaco. Despite an informal custody arrangement they had reached last year, Jeezy asserts that the agreement disintegrated at the beginning of 2024, leaving him with minimal contact with his daughter throughout the year.

Jeezy claims that Monaco was not present at their shared home when he attempted to pick her up for a scheduled visit in early April. Furthermore, he alleges that Mai and Monaco have since moved out of the residence without his knowledge, leaving him in the dark about their whereabouts.


Adding fuel to the fire, Jeezy asserts that Mai has blocked his number, making regular FaceTime calls with Monaco impossible.

In response to these allegations, Jeezy has filed a motion requesting a hearing to establish a temporary parenting schedule that would ensure equal time-sharing between both parents.


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Hip Hop Historian. I talk it 'cause I lived it.

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